Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Week 11B: Using Other Social Media Tools

After looking at groupon and living social, I think groupon would help my business. I would set up good deals with my customers to keep them longer and to get word spread around.  This could help a small business grow. I have not set up a yelp account but this app is a must for a business. Customers can review your business which goes up to a 5 star rating. If your company has a bad rating and negative reviews you can always improve it based on the feedback.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Week 11A: Social Media Tools

On the net, there are hundreds of social media tools to choose from but I will only list a few.

Yelp - with this tool people can review your business and this is useful because you want to have good ratings to get more customers and your business could end up on top recommendations on yelp.

Google maps - not really sure why this is a social media app, its only good for finding locations.

Living social media- this tool can be handy because you can show the customer which deals to opt in on your products

Linkedin - I have used this site before and its only good for job searching, nonthing else.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Week 10A: Email Marketing

For a business, I think newsletters are very important. They can give your business the opportunity to increase awareness and understanding of your services and products to the customers. You can put valuable information such as events or even promote products or new ones. On my newsletter I would put what kind of repairs I do and the cost of them. I would probably send them out weekly just to keep people updated constantly. 

Monday, November 7, 2016

Week 9B: Categories

Im not really sure what categories I would use but to get more customers, I would put a virus on my site or something that infect the users pc which would make it run slow and they would have to contact my business  to get it fix and I would make more money this way. I guess this can go in the scamming category which a lot of business do because they don’t care about their customers.